About Tom Davenport

Tom brings 30 years of consulting experience with Willis Towers Watson, the global human resource consulting firm. He provides consulting services on manager effectiveness, rewards research and human capital strategy. Tom has particular knowledge of how to understand and address the cultural and managerial causes and implications of workplace stress. His clients span many industries, including the technology, health care, consumer products, retail, financial services and energy sectors.

Employers Use Stress Diagnostics to Define Strategy and Guide Action

By |2021-12-01T02:03:12+00:00June 25th, 2018|Stress and Well-Being|

Investing time and effort to uncover and mitigate today’s stressors for employees can help employers avoid to­morrow’s more damaging and expensive consequences. A comprehensive assessment of workplace stress can generate a substantial [...]

Workplace Culture and Stress

By |2021-12-01T02:03:18+00:00June 23rd, 2018|Culture|

A career in banking can seem very attractive: high salaries (for some anyway), good working conditions and prestige. But beware. Employees in corporate banking jobs across 26 countries experience higher stress levels than people in other finance careers, according to a recent study.¹ One person described a job in banking this way: “You will be required to work very [...]

The Good Stress Strategy: How Managers Can Transform Stress Into Fulfillment

By |2021-11-21T01:21:53+00:00October 24th, 2015|Managers & Manager Behavior|

For many of us who toil in the modern workplace, it sometimes seems the main exercise we get comes from aerobic stress. Much like a session on the stair master, stress fires up our cardiovascular systems with adrenaline, gets [...]

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