About Me
Tom the Essayist
Tom reckons his background forms the perfect foundation for writing about working and living in the modern world. That background? First-hand experience over four decades as an employee, manager, leader and consultant. He worked for and with companies large and small, across industries as diverse as financial services, technology, mining and retail.
Through an array of articles and books, he has cataloged his experience and documented his ideas about new and better ways of working. Find out more about this material here.
Tom earned a B.A., magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, from the University of California, Los Angeles. He also earned an M.B.A. from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley (Beta Gamma Sigma), as well as a master’s degree in journalism from Berkeley.
Tom the Humorous Poet
Over his four decades of workplace toil, Tom observed (and, to his occasional chagrin, helped reinforce) many of the cultural phenomena that make our collective work experience both absurd and ironic.
Drawing on this background, he hopes to provide readers with a poetic pause, a few light moments to reduce the duress of stress resulting from life’s banal battering. He is confident that he has the typing skills to pull this off.
Find examples of his humorous verse here. See below for more information about Get the Hell to Work, his collection of comic poetry on workplace themes.

In the words of one Get the Hell to Work reviewer:
“This book contains 61 nuggets of wily wisdom for anyone who’s ever worked and can still laugh. Like fastballs from Mark Twain, the author snuck some of his best lines right past this reader. More than once it took me a beat to know I’d been had. Get the Hell to Work is gently subversive, and not just for fans of rhyming verse. But read with caution unless you prefer to snort your coffee.”